Does caffeine effect your blood pressure?
I think that caffeine does effect your blood pressure. I also think that the expresso will effect your blood pressure the most. This is because it has a high concentration of caffeine.

The Scientific Method

*Blood pressure monitor
*At least two people from each age group
*Coffee [with milk]
so [One Shot]
*Soda [Pepsi]
*Energy Drink [Red Bull]

1. First I measure the person's blood pressure without consuming any caffeine.
2. The next day I measure the same person's blood pressure after drinking a cup of coffee with milk.
3. Same as step 2 but instead of coffee, the person should drink a can of red bull.
4. Same as step 2 but instead of coffee, the person should drink a shot of expresso.
5. Same as step 2 but instead of coffee, the person should drink a can of pepsi.
6. Same as step 2 but instead of coffee, the person should eat a few pieces of chocolate.
7. Repeat the whole procedure for every person in each age group.


Each age group's blood pressures are average. The experiment consisted of 3 people from each age group. This totaled to 9 people in total.

In conclusion, I found that caffeine does affect your blood pressure. The expresso affected your blood pressure the most. I think that this is because it has a very high concentration of caffeine. Researchers have found that caffeine narrows blood vessels by blocking the effects of adenosine.  Adenosine is a hormone that helps keep your blood vessels widened. This is why your blood pressure rises.