What Does Caffeine Do To You?
Caffine stimulates your nervous system. This is why you have more energy and become more jittery after consuming caffeine products. Caffeine has the effect of temporarily warding off drowsiness and restoring alertness.

How Does Caffeine Affect Your Metabolism?
Caffeine affects your metabolism because once it is consumed, it is absorbed by the stomach. It is also absorbed by a small intestine. This all happens within 45 minutes of consumption. After the caffeine is absorbed by the stomach and a small intestine, it is distributed throughout all the tissues of the body.

Too Much Caffeine Can Lead To:
*Feeling restless
*Feeling dizzy
*Being unable to concentrate
*Trouble Sleeping
*Muscle Twitching
*High blood pressure
*Heart Disease
*Birth Defects

What is Caffeine?
Caffine is a stimulant found in tea, coffee, chocolate, soda, and energy drinks. It is also a  plant-based alkaloid. An alkaloid is a nitrogen-containing naturally occurring compound, produced by a large variety of organisms. Alkaloids can have a bitter taste sometimes, thats why coffee is so bitter [without milk or sugar].

Effects Of Withdrawal.
Caffeine withdrawal has to do with building up a tolerance to it. Since your body is used to getting large amounts of caffeine it builts up a tolerance meaning it needs the caffeine to function daily.
Once you build a tolerance, if you dont have caffeine products for a long period of time it is called a withdrawal. A withdrawal is your body's way of telling you that you need the caffeine. Some simptoms of caffeine withdrawal include drowsiness, feeling overtired because there is no caffeine to energize you, and headaches because of the sudden stop of use of caffeine products.


Possitive Effects Of Caffeine:
*Increases alertness

*Reduces boredom
*Decreases depression
*Increases performance on boring tasks